This dictionary provides systematic descriptions of each entry word. It attempts to furnish explicit and unambiguous definitions, and use them as a basis for a description of the syntactic and lexical combinability of the entry word. The dictionary is: production-oriented so that it aims to help the reader in finding out "how to express X" rather than in understanding "what X means"; semantics-based with the definition serving as a basis for the description of the paradigmatic and syntagmatic relations to the entry word; combinatorial - it describes the syntactic and lexical collocations of the entry word (the latter type of combinability being described by means of the so-called lexical functions) in detail; one in which each entry has the same rigid structure, comprising a definition, a syntactic government pattern, a zone of lexical functions, and examples; and one in which all information is presented in an explicit, systematic and formal manner. The DECFC should be a useful tool for linguists, translators, terminologists, editors, journalists, computer scientists and teachers of French at all levels.