Sustainability and Transformation of European Social Policy

  • Autor:
  • Editorial: Peter Lang


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This book showcases some of the papers presented at the 9th Annual ESPAnet Conference «Sustainability and Transformation in European Social Policy», held in Valencia, Spain from the 8th to 10th of September 2011. The selected papers present a double perspective within social policy: the papers in Part 1 follow a classical approach whilst those in Part 2 focus on new approaches. Thus, the book begins with the classical idea of welfare, participation, pension systems, family policies and social models. It then presents new perspectives in the research on social policy, such as the intervention of parenting, social tourism, the prevention of cyber-bullying and the transformation of governance. Offering an indepth overview of past, current and future social policies, this volume provides a useful resource for researchers in sustainability studies.


  • Nº de edición:
  • Año de edición: 0
  • Número de reimpresión:
  • Año de reimpresión: 0
  • Lugar: ALEMANIA
  • Dimensiones:
  • Páginas: 0
  • Soporte:
  • ISBN: 9783034309011