Foundations of Medical Imaging

  • Autor: Cho, Zang-Hee; Jones, Joie P.; Singh, Manbir
  • Editorial: Wiley


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Designed to provide those engaged in modern medical imaging with a coherent perspective of the entire discipline so that one protocol is no longer an isolated or independent mode of imaging from others, to wit: single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT), positron emission tomography (PET) or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Introduces biomagnetic imaging as a third new modality.


  • Nº de edición: 1
  • Año de edición: 1993
  • Número de reimpresión:
  • Año de reimpresión: 0
  • Dimensiones:
  • Páginas: 604
  • Soporte: Cartoné
  • ISBN: 9780471545736