Spectral Shakespeares.Media Adaptations in the Twenty-First Century

  • Autor:
  • Editorial: Palgrave Macmillan


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Spectral Shakespeares is an illuminating exploration of recent, experimental adaptations of Shakespeare on film, TV, and the web. Drawing on adaptation studies and media theory as well as Jacques Derrida's work, this book argues that these adaptations foreground a cluster of self-reflexive "themes" - from incorporation to reiteration, from migration to addiction, from silence to survival - that contribute to the redefinition of adaptation, and Shakespearean adaptation in particular, as an unfinished and interminable process. The "Shakespeare" that emerges from these adaptations is a fragmentary, mediatized, and heterogeneous presence, a spectral Shakespeare that leaves a mark on our contemporary mediascape.


  • Nº de edición:
  • Año de edición: 0
  • Número de reimpresión:
  • Año de reimpresión: 0
  • Dimensiones:
  • Páginas: 0
  • Soporte:
  • ISBN: 9780230338753