Manufacturing. Design, production, automation, and integration

  • Autor: Benhabib, Beno
  • Editorial: CRC Press


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From concept development to final production, this comprehensive text thoroughly examines the design, prototyping, and fabrication of engineering products and emphasizes modern developments in system modeling, analysis, and automatic control. This reference details various management strategies, design methodologies, traditional production techniques, and assembly applications for clear illustration of manufacturing engineering technology in the modern age. Considers a variety of methods for product design including axiomatic design, design for X, group technology, and the Taguchi method, as well as modern production techniques including laser-beam machining, microlithography.


  • Nº de edición: 1
  • Año de edición: 2003
  • Número de reimpresión:
  • Año de reimpresión: 0
  • Dimensiones:
  • Páginas: 608
  • Soporte:
  • ISBN: 9780824742737